澳门足彩app team members participating in a safety meeting on a job site.

May 5, 2021

Safety Week Focus, Year-Round Commitment

Just as an individual’s wellbeing depends on a holistic perspective, team safety requires constant vigilance.


Be present. Be focused. Be safe.

That is the theme of Construction Safety Week 2021, and it’s a good one. 结合今年特别强调的心理健康方面的福利和工作现场安全,这一点尤为突出. Construction jobs are physically and mentally demanding, and the choices we make every day have real consequences for everyone around us.

Safety Week is an important time in our industry, 提高在我们的设施建设中长时间辛苦工作的工艺专业人员的意识. 安全周涉及成千上万的工艺和数以百计的小企业,其目标是减少我们行业的伤害. We can all agree that Safety Week is vital in our mission to prevent injuries.

At 澳门足彩app, 安全周是向内部和外部传达我们对零伤害的虔诚承诺的强烈信息的时候, zero-incident work environment.

但就像一个人的幸福不能在没有整体视角的情况下得到妥善解决一样, the safety of our team members, contract partners and clients can’t be ensured without constant vigilance.

Most firms in the construction industry teach safety as a core value, the true measure of success and more. Most of these same firms make safety part of each day’s activities through training, awareness efforts, hazard recognition, milestone celebrations, etc. 这些公司向专业人士证明,安全是一个核心价值,他们的幸福是至高无上的.

Yet when small contractors move from general contractor to general contractor, they can find conflicting approaches and varying levels of commitment to safety. If a survey were taken today among the craft professionals and smaller firms on your projects, what would they say about how committed to safety your company and/or field leaders are?

Commitment to safety and safety education should be part of your company’s fabric. 安全周应该只是另一个星期,因为你证明了全年的安全重点. 就像你开车回家时的安全带一样,它只是汽车的一部分,自动融入到你的通勤中.

我们公司和业内其他公司面临的挑战是:对你对安全的承诺进行坦诚的评估. Are you committed year-round? We all can improve our safety commitment for the benefit of each other, 但重要的是我们对那些受我们控制的人的看法,以及我们提供安全工作环境的义务.

Currently, events such as Safety Week are necessary, but we should strive to ensure safety is truly in our DNA every day of the year.

About the author: Lance Simons于1982年加入公司,目前担任安全和质量副总裁. He is active in several industry organizations, including Southeastern Construction Owner and Associates Roundtable (SCOAR) Safety Committee, NCCER National Safety Committee and American Contractors Insurance Group Safety Committee.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in Architecture, Engineering, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,200 highly specialized, in-house design, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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